Your Privacy at Swapgate


Swapgate (“” or “we”) controls and operates the Website, currently available at (the “Website”).At , we respect your privacy and are committed to protecting any data provided by our customers.

Your privacy and security are our highest priority and we work hard to ensure that all data you provide is protected. This privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Policy”) is intended to inform you about the conditions under which we process your personal data.

Personal data

In order to access our platform, you will need to register on our website. As part of the registration process, you will be asked to provide an email address and create a password. You can also log into the site using your Facebook account.

Data collection

We collect information from you when you log into your Swapgate account. This includes your email and personal information; Swapgate may also collect information such as your browser name and the specifications of your connection to our Website, in in particular information about the operating system and the Internet service provider used, among other similar information.

Use of collected information

We may use information we collect from you when you register on our Website or use certain features of our Website. This may be for security reasons, to get your feedback on the Website, or to keep you informed of any changes to the Website. services provided on the Website. We may also send our newsletter to your email or use this information to send follow-up information via chat or email.

Safety is committed to protecting the security of your personal data just as we are committed to protecting our own data and network. We do not allow third parties to contact you directly on their own initiative regarding their own products or services. We do not sell, trade, or We do not share your personal information with third parties. You should never share your account password with others. We use certain security measures to help keep your personal information secure, but we cannot guarantee that these measures will stop any attempts by users to circumvent your settings privacy or security on the Website through unexpected and/or illegal activities.

Policy Updates

This policy is subject to change at our discretion without notice. We encourage you to review it periodically to ensure you are aware of any changes we may make. Please read it carefully and check for any changes - this is your responsibility. By using the Website, you accept and agree to the policy and terms of use.