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#1 Bitcoin Statistics

price $97,114.44market cap $1,923,866,485,522.00volume 24h $49,397,213,256.00percent change 1h $0.24percent change 24h $2.33percent change 7d $0.03circulating supply $0.00total supply $19,810,303.00roi $71,677.12

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What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin price today 
It was launched in January of 2009, and it is a peer-to-peer online currency, which means that all transactions occur directly between equal, independent network participants. It was designed for online payments to be sent directly from one party to another, circumventing financial institutions. As of 2020, the true identity of the person or organization behind the pseudonym remains unknown. The first block was mined on January 3, 2009, two months after he suggested using a register of transactions packed in so. 

The emergence of the firstcryptocurrencies created a conceptual and technological framework that later inspired the development of thousands of competing projects. Thanks to the ubiquity of platforms that provide use cases for BTC, it remains the largest coin with a market cap that ranged from 100 billion to 200 billion in 2020. As transactions are transmitted over the network, they are collected by miners and packaged into blocks, which in turn are protected by complex calculations. 

The network takes four years to build and the reward is halved with every new block mined. As of 2020, the block reward has been halved three times, and it was not pre-mined. The earliest members of the network were able to accumulate a lot of coins through regular mining because of the low competition between miners. 

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